Card member itself must have insurance

How issuers have reacted?

Many companies set their own quotas, such as appliance stores, they no longer have to keep visa fees demand. Right now it is really when the consumer and financial issues user will see healthy competition; where companies will be able to call and get the attention of users through improved implementation programs of the cards. Consumers can look for the best option in financial issues.

Have you identified other actions taken by issuers?

Han pressed on the issue of benefits. They said they were going to charge certain benefits to the cardholder. Issuers are complying with what the law says but they do so by way of pressure. The Constitutional Court (CC) decided not to process the interim injunction to suspend the validity of this legal framework, but even they have announced resources. We are still waiting for that trigger, as they have announced.

What do you propose?

Use the credit card as payment and no financing. If the user wants funded, to find another option, either trust or mortgage.

The law also provides drastic penalties card cloning. Users, be very careful when canceling credit card not lose sight card. The most important thing is to develop a family budget, to know how much money you have available per month and what this is intended to pay the Credit card.